Announces Publication of Two New Supplements


GHD|EMPHNET is pleased to share with you two recently published research supplements. The first of which was published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance and titled “Outbreaks and Public Health Surveillance Research in the Eastern Mediterranean Region”, while the second titled ” COVID-19 Applied Research in the Eastern Mediterranean Region” was published in the Journal of Public Health.

These two supplements cover various aspects of COVID-19 response efforts carried out in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR), and they highlight some of the great achievements of GHD|EMPHNET’s COVID-19 Regional Research Group.

GHD|EMPHNET would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Yousef Khader for his significant efforts in guiding research and for documenting our regional experience. Through his dedication and commitment, GHD|EMPHNET is conducting more operational research to cover priority areas in applied epidemiology, while integrating information technology tools in research, providing capacity building and technical assistance to support others in conducting research, and increasing publications in field epidemiology, and more.

We would also like to take this opportunity and invite you to connect with Professor Yousef Khader [email protected], and  to share your valuable feedback and thoughts for further research collaborations. Together, we can do more in documenting our EMR experience, expanding knowledge exchange, and generating data to support evidence-based policies in public health.

We welcome your comments and suggestions, and we look forward to further research collaborations.